We have opinions on many things. Read these blog posts full of our thoughts, from content design to what it's like to work at Content Design London.
A new group of digital experts and academics will help the government develop a 10-year plan for improving how technology is used in the public sector. In this post, Sarah Winters reflects on what she would like to see for designing and maintaining content in government.
Sarah Winters and the team look at why a digital campaign aimed at the entire nation cannot make a bad situation better.
Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT became an overnight superstar when it launched in November 2022. Does the world need another ChatGPT blog post? Maybe not. But we reckon Content Design London (CDL) ought to have something to say about a technology that really could turn the content world upside down.
This guest blog post is written by Jo Goodwin, Head of User Centred Design at the Centre for Digital Public Services. She works across Welsh public sector to make sure public services are designed around people and easy to use.
Write that book and do that content podcast, we need your voice to move content design forward.